IEPs, PLPs, ILPs... oh my!

IEP... PLP... ILP...
Have you ever heard so many acronyms as support plans for a child in school?
Does it make your head spin just a little? Well, let's break it down here for a minute.
Individual Education Plans (IEPs) can have different names depending on the country or region. To get started, here are a few alternative names for IEPs so we are all on the same page!
- Individualised Education Program (IEP) - United States and Canada.
- Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) - some Australian states, such as Victoria and Queensland.
- Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) - United Kingdom.
- Individual Learning Plan (ILP) - In some countries, including New Zealand.
- Education Support Plan (ESP) - some Australian states, such as New South Wales and Western Australia.
Regardless of what it's called, the purpose of an IEP, PLP, EHCP, ILP, or ESP is always the same: it's a plan that's created just for your child if they have a disability or additional learning needs. Think of it like a personalized game plan for your child's education. For the purpose of this article, let's call it an IEP.
This plan is put together by a team of people, including you, your child's teachers, and other specialists who work with your child. Together, you all come up with specific goals and strategies to help your child succeed in school. The IEP also lays out any accommodations or adjustments that your child might need, like extra time on tests or specific teaching methods, to help them learn better. Everything is done with your child's strengths and needs in mind.
The best part? The IEP is not set in stone! It's a living document that can be updated and adjusted as your child progresses, so it's always keeping up with your child's growth and development. This is why regular meetings with your child's learning team are essential because kids change quickly, as do their needs.
The heavy stuff.
An IEP (Individual Education Plan) is a legal document in Australia. Every child with a diagnosis is legally required to have one. It is a written agreement between the school and the parents that outlines the educational program and support services that will be provided to the student with special needs. The IEP is a binding document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved in the education of the student.
Under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, schools in Australia are required to provide reasonable adjustments to ensure that students with disabilities have the same opportunities to participate in education as their peers. An IEP is one way that schools can ensure that students receive the necessary accommodations and support services to access the curriculum and reach their full potential.
If a school fails to implement an IEP or provide the support services outlined in the plan, parents can take legal action to enforce their child's rights. This may involve filing a complaint with the school or education department, seeking mediation or conciliation, or taking the matter to court.
An IEP is like a personalised playbook for your child's education, tailored just for them to help them succeed in school. It's important to level the playing field for your child and make sure that:
- Your child has an IEP.
- You have been able to meet with the learning team and have input into the IEP.
- The IEP makes sense to you and is something that you can monitor.
- The IEP is implemented in the classroom.
- The IEP is revised regularly (usually every term or second term) and updated to suit the needs of your child
You are your child's number one team member. Power to you!
As a parent, it's essential to take an active role in ensuring that your child is fully engaged in the game of life, with a well-crafted IEP serving as a valuable tool to help them reach their full potential. Don't let your child sit on the side-lines. Be their advocate and drive the process to ensure they receive the support they need within the school system.
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