You are your Child's Superhero - How to Advocate.

advocacy communication with school iep parenting school system Jun 12, 2023
mum and child standing beside each other.

Step onto the front lines, Mumma! Fiercely champion for your child's best education experience. Be their unwavering superhero, levelling the playing field for an extraordinary learning adventure!

Advocating for your child in the school system can feel daunting, I know because I have been in this position many times with my own children. I have learnt a lot along the way of how to get success, not push back from your child's learning team. 

In this blog post, I'll walk you through some practical tips, step by step, to help you navigate this sometimes complicated journey.

Step 1: Know the Power of Communication
Establish an open and honest dialogue with their teachers and school staff. Remember, they're your allies in this adventure! Take the time to introduce yourself, share information about your child, and express your concerns or goals. The better the communication, the stronger your partnership becomes.

Step 2: Understand Your Child's Unique Abilities
Take the time to understand your child's strengths and weaknesses. With this knowledge, you can better advocate for accommodations, modifications, or additional resources that will help your child thrive and reach their goals.

Step 3: Collaborate on an Individualised Education Plan (IEP)
An IEP is like your child's personalised mission brief, outlining the specific goals, services, and supports they need to succeed academically. Work closely with the school to develop a robust IEP that aligns with your child's unique abilities. Remember, this plan is a living document that can be revised and updated as your child's needs evolve.

Step 4: Stay Informed and Educated
Superheroes are constantly evolving and learning new skills, and as a parent, you're no different! Take the time to educate yourself about special education laws, policies, and procedures. In Australia, the Department of Education website ( contains all of the information that you need to know in terms of policies and procedures. Attend workshops, conferences, and support group meetings to gather valuable insights from other parents and professionals. The more informed you are, the more empowered you'll feel.

Step 5: Build a Support Network
Connect with other parents who are advocating for their children, as they can provide valuable advice and emotional support. Share your experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Remember, you're not alone on this journey!

Step 6: Document Everything!
Make sure to document all communication, meetings, and important interactions related to your child's education. This includes emails, phone calls, progress reports, and any relevant paperwork. Having a paper trail will help you track your child's progress, advocate effectively, and address any concerns that may arise.

Step 7: Embrace Collaboration, Not Confrontation
Remember, you can inspire change through collaboration, not confrontation. While advocating for your child, strive to maintain a positive and respectful approach. Listen to the perspectives of teachers and school staff, and work together to find solutions that benefit your child. Remember, you're all on the same team!

With these practical tips, you're ready to advocate for your child like a pro.

By fostering open communication, understanding your child's unique abilities, collaborating on an IEP, staying informed, building a support network, documenting everything, and embracing collaboration, you're well-equipped to navigate the sometimes challenging school system.

Remember, you're your child's greatest advocate, and together, you can conquer any obstacle that comes your way.

Go forth and unleash your superpowers for your child's education!

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