Graphic Novels - Bridging Decodable & Non-Decodable

Reading is a fundamental skill that lays the foundation for a child's academic success and lifelong learning. One essential step in this journey is the transition from decodable books to non-decodable ones. In this blog post, we will explore the role of graphic novels in helping children make this leap, building on their knowledge of letter-to-sound combinations and their bank of orthographically mapped words.
Decodable Books
Decodable books are a critical starting point in a child's reading journey. These books contain words with predictable sound-letter relationships, making it easier for early readers to sound out and decode words. This approach helps children become more confident and proficient readers as they develop their phonemic awareness and phonics skills.
Orthographically Mapped Words
As children progress in their reading journey, they begin to recognise words not just through phonetic decoding but also through visual memory. This is where orthographically mapped words come into play. These are words that children have encountered and memorised, allowing them to recognise them instantly without having to decode each letter. This transition signifies a significant milestone in their reading development.
Graphic Novels
Graphic novels offer a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between decodable and non-decodable books. These books are a visual and textual feast, combining illustrations and text in a way that engages young readers. Here's how graphic novels can aid in this transition:
Contextual Support: Graphic novels provide context through images, making it easier for children to infer word meanings. This helps them gradually build their vocabulary and comprehension skills.
Interest and Motivation: The visually stimulating nature of graphic novels captures children's interest and motivates them to read. This enthusiasm for reading can be a powerful driver as they tackle more complex texts.
Varied Text Types: Graphic novels often contain a mix of dialogue, narration, and sound effects, exposing children to various text types and helping them become more versatile readers.
- Confidence Builders: Graphic novels present very differently to regular novels. Giving a regular novel to a reader who is graduating from decodables, can be quite overwhelming as a large slab of text can seem like a lot. Graphic novels are less text heavy and less intimidating for a reader who is moving away from decodable books.
Graphic novels serve as an excellent bridge from decodable books to non-decodable ones by providing context, sparking interest, introducing diverse text types and lessening the overwhelm at the start. As children develop their knowledge of letter-to-sound combinations and accumulate orthographically mapped words, graphic novels can be a valuable tool in nurturing their reading skills and fostering a lifelong love of reading.
So, consider including graphic novels in your child's reading journey to help them become confident, proficient, and enthusiastic readers.
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