Strength-Based Parenting for Children with Learning Difficulties

It is likely that you are a parent of a child with learning difficulties who struggles with schoolwork. Right? Do you feel like you're constantly pushing them to improve their grades and spending huge amounts of time doing it? Of course! And... it can be all consuming.
Have you considered a strength-based approach to parenting?
Strength-based parenting is an approach that focuses on your child's strengths and talents, rather than just their weaknesses. For children with learning difficulties, regular intervention and support for their reading and writing skills are essential. However, it's important to also nurture their strengths and interests, so they can feel confident and motivated in all areas of their life.
For example, let's say your child has a learning difficulty in reading and writing. You've been working with a tutor and teacher to help them improve their skills, but it's tough and it takes a lot of your child's energy. At the same time, you've noticed that your child has a talent for drawing and spends hours creating artwork at home. Instead of just focusing on their struggles with reading and writing, try incorporating their love of art into their schoolwork.
Encourage them to use art as a way to express themselves and demonstrate their understanding of different topics. For example, they could create a comic strip that summarises a chapter in their history textbook, or illustrate a scene from a book they're reading in class. By incorporating their strengths into their academic work, you can help them feel more engaged and motivated, which can in turn benefit their overall academic performance.
Think of it this way: if you had a garden that had some weeds, you wouldn't spend all your time pulling them out. You'd also focus on cultivating the flowers and vegetables that are growing well, giving them plenty of water, sunlight, and nutrients. You'd watch them flourish and bloom, feeling proud and satisfied.
Similarly, when you use a strength-based approach with your child with learning difficulties, you'll see them grow and thrive. By focusing on their strengths, you can help build their self-esteem and confidence, which can in turn benefit their academic performance.
Committed and regular intervention and support for their learning difficulty is necessary. These interventions can help them overcome reading and writing difficulties and improve their academic performance. But this should not be the only thing they do. By focusing on their strengths, you can help your child develop a well-rounded set of skills, which can in turn improve their overall well-being.
The key is to find a balance between the two approaches and to provide a safe and supportive environment where they can learn and grow. It's likely that their strength area will be an area that they will pursue in their future careers so making time for them to really flourish in those areas is so important.
Strength-based parenting is a powerful way to support your child with learning difficulties.
Much love,
Kristy xo
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